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Creatives Small Business Collective

Small business is the life blood of American industry. This last year we learned just how unstable our economy really is. All too often a great idea, product or line crumbles because of terms, restrictions, and guidelines set by larger organizations with teams of people making sure their money goes the furthest. As a creator and small business owner we are focused on producing a product that sparks joy in our customers and hopefully creates enough revenue to sustain our families.


This week another large retailer filed bankruptcy leaving many small businesses holding the bag. With the institutionalized inequality so much in the spotlight, we have an unprecedented opportunity to come together and establish small business selling terms as a unified group.




Who are 8Signaure and Citizen Ruth, and why are we involved?

I am a business consultant working with a progressive Pop Culture line in the PNW, Citizen Ruth. Last year we worked together to bring strategic initiatives to life, propelling Citizen Ruth forward mid pandemic.


I came to Citizen Ruth with over a decade of contract negotiation and large account management experience with fortune 500 companies. I have been on both sides of the table and in every single negotiation, large companies utilize their buying power to make the best deal they can for their organization with little to no regard for the independent business they are bullying. This is the current status quo, but it doesn’t have to continue down this path.


​Jenn at Citizen Ruth and I both have a burning drive to keep this conversation going so that together we can make business and the national retail marketplace a fair and equitable playing field.

Create a collective

Small business selling into the national retail marketplace united to maximize growth while reducing contractual and financial risk

Establish standards 

  • Payment Terms

  • Engagement

  • Volume Discounts

  • Delivery Expectations 


Master the Art Contract Reading and Negotiations


Partnership for Strategic Growth

Free conversation to discuss options

If you are interested in learning more, please fill out the form below with your information and feedback on what you would like to see in the program.


We will compile this feedback though Friday March 12th and communicate on next steps by March 15th.


The time is NOW!

Unite Together

Are you intrested in?
When the results ar publised I want to keep my thoughts anonymous.

Thanks for submitting!

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